Category: Seller Considerations
Terms and conditions of selling your CPA firm.
Terms and Conditions of Selling your CPA Firm First, a little background on possible terms that are common in the marketplace for CPA firms for sale: Cash – This is...
Creating an accounting practice that sells fast.
Creating an Accounting Practice that Sells Fast Have you heard the story about Pablo Picasso? Picasso is sketching at a park. A woman walks by, recognizes him, and begs...
Better Decisions Using Logic AND Emotion
Better Decisions Using Logic and Emotion Hi – Brannon with Poe Group Advisors here. I want to talk to you today about the role of emotion in deal making. We...
What Does a Successful Deal Look Like?
What Does a Successful Deal Look Like? We spend a lot of time at Poe Group Advisors talking about and studying what goes well and what works in our...
Exiting an Accounting Practice While Wearing Golden Handcuffs
I just spoke with an owner who is about 5 years away from exiting an accounting practice who wanted me to find a partner for him. Hopefully I talked...
Having a Buyer Versus Having the Buyer
Having a Buyer vs. Having the Buyer There is a big difference in having a buyer and having the buyer. Almost anyone can come up with a buyer or two…or...
Are Your Tax Practice Fees Too Low?
Are your Tax Practice Fees too Low? Reevaluating pricing can help CPA firm owners earn more when they sell their practice. This article first appeared in The CPA...
Deal Velocity When Buying or Selling an Accounting Practice
If you are buying or selling an accounting practice, the pace of pursuing a deal is critically important. If you go too slowly, things can just stall out…or perhaps a...
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