Category: Seller Considerations
Dilemma – Stay Solo or Take on a Partner?
Dilemma – Stay Solo or Take on a Partner? “There are two dilemmas that rattle the human skull: How do you hang on to someone who won’t stay? And how...
The Importance of Deal Structure in the Sale of Accounting Practices
Payments based on client retention: I get frequent calls from buyers that ask if we sell accounting practices with payments based on client retention. The short answer is that most...
Getting Your Accounting Practice Ready for a Sale in 3 to 5 Years
Smart accounting firm owners plan ahead in getting their practice ready for market. If you start to take action sooner rather than later, the improvements you make not only make...
After you sell your accounting practice, then what?
After you sell your accounting practice, then what? So let’s say you sell your accounting practice … then what? It’s one of those questions that is so simple, but sometimes...
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