Category: Seller Considerations
Selling an Accounting Practice – When is the Best Time?
When is the best time to sell your accounting practice? Are you actually ready to sell? Deciding when to bow out is one of the most difficult decisions owners have...
Sell Your CPA Firm When You Have Something Pulling You Out
This morning, I had an interesting conversation with a 60+ year old accountant who is probably a few years away from selling his accounting firm. He had a lot of...
Accounting Practice Value- Know Your Firm’s Worth
You want to be valued, not flattered. Why is this important for selling your accounting firm? Let me explain. There is an acquisition strategy common in the private marketplace that...
Five Overarching Principles For Valuing Accounting Practices
1. Rule-of-thumb multiple: one times gross revenue? This is a belief that permeates the accounting profession as strongly as anything we have seen. It implies that accountants value practices with...
Three Simple Strategies to Get your Accounting Practice Ready for Tax Season
Tax season kicks off in just a few weeks. A lot of the firm owners we have spoken with are experiencing staffing challenges and wondering how to best respond. For many,...
How Value Pricing Impacts the Salability of Your Accounting Practice.
How does having value-based pricing impact the salability of your firm? Right now, buyers look for balance. They want to purchase a practice that has capacity, and decent owner hours....
Breaking Down Accounting Practice Sales: Price and Terms Comparison
“It’s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.” ~ Warren Buffett And… “You name the price, I’ll name...
Tips For a Successful Accounting Practice Transition
The sale or purchase of an accounting practice can be extremely successful with a good transition. To have a smooth and viable transition, both the buyer and seller need to...
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