Category: Seller Considerations
Selling an Accounting Practice for a Clean Break
Selling an Accounting Practice for a Clean Break We are often asked. “How long will I need to work after closing the sale of my accounting practice to afford a...
How to Price an Accounting Practice
How to Price an Accounting Practice …oh and by the way…what about the terms? This is the kickoff of our busy season (we are busiest as we lead up to...
Succession Planning for Accountants – Asking the Right Questions
When you hear about succession planning, what sorts of things come to mind? Practice continuation agreements. Finding a suitable successor. Accounting Practice Valuation. What kind of buyer would be...
Why Successful Accounting Practices Sell for Cash (Part 4 of 4)
In the overwhelming majority of cases, owners of profitable accounting practices can get all cash or all cash equivalent terms at closing-with absolutely no contingencies after closing. In this segment,...
Why Successful Accounting Practices Sell for Cash (Part 3 of 4)
In the overwhelming majority of cases, owners of profitable accounting practices can get all cash or all cash equivalent terms at closing-with absolutely no contingencies after closing. In this segment,...
Why Successful Accounting Practices Sell for Cash (Part 2 of 4)
In our last post, we explored the market dynamics for profitable, desirable accounting practices. In the overwhelming majority of cases, owners of profitable accounting practices can get all cash or...
Why Successful Accounting Practices Sell for Cash (Part 1 of 4)
Profitable, desirable accounting practices do not need to be sold on an earn-out basis. If you own such a practice, then in the overwhelming majority of cases, you can get...
The Best Succession Plan is to Build a Better Accounting Practice
The easiest practices to sell, and the ones that get the best multiples, are the most focused and profitable practices. That statement is quite obvious, but it is often a...
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