Successful People Need Reminders Too
A lot of the drivers of business success are not really all that complicated. In fact, they are pretty basic. The most successful accounting practice owners that we do business with just seem to have a good grasp of the fundamentals.
What’s difficult about running a business though, is how easy it is to get sidetracked. The day to day can suck us into a misunderstanding of what’s important. Successful people know this and do a great job of continually reprioritizing what needs their attention. The accounting profession can be complex. Complexity makes it more difficult to keep the broader perspective. Accounting can be an especially demanding profession for those that easily get pulled into too many different directions or take on too many of the wrong clients for their practice.
We hope that our blogs are helpful and not a way to just market our stuff, but I’m sort of breaking that rule with this one so you’ve been officially warned. After all, we are essentially a marketing and consulting firm so I figure we should get a break on that once in a while.
The fact is that we’ve had a good number of very successful accountants tell us that Accountant’s Flight Plan has been a good tool which has proved to be a helpful reminder of the fundamentals. We are glad to hear that this book really helps people in a big way.
We recently got a glowing review of Accountant’s Flight Plan from Judith L. Avery, CPA, CA, LPA who runs a very successful practice near Toronto, Ontario. Judith has been growing and improving her practice with intentionality and enthusiasm. She called me to thank me because she has successfully implemented some positive changes in her practice because of Accountant’s Flight Plan. She shared with me that, over the past few years, her top and bottom lines are up and also that she is taking a lot more time off too. In short, the changes she has made have produced a tremendous difference for her life and her business. I asked her if she’d please write down her experience so I could share with our blog audience.
Here is what she had to say:
“I was exhausted, overworked, stressed and was not being compensated the value a Professional Chartered Accountant was worth. I was doing it my way and it was time to learn a new way, a better way. I found Brannon Poe’s book called the Accountants Fight Plan. In his book, he writes of ten key factors that we should focus on as accountants operating a business. Factors such as categorizing our clients as type A, B, C or D with A being the type of client you love and they love you. Client type D being the client to cause you stress or anxiety and grumble about your billings. I now have A clients. I vetted out the type D clients. My practice has raised its fees, increased our bottom line and hired some of the best people to support our office. This year, I have taken almost three months away from my office and its running better than ever. I can’t speak highly enough or yell loudly enough to share with great news that’s in the Accountant’s Flight Plan if you’re willing to learn a new way.
Also, the book or the plan more specifically helped me step out of the tornado that I was in the midst to see clearly. I don’t have to be involved with every aspect of my practice but I do need great staff. I’ll have time to say hello and ask about the children, send greeting cards, have lunches or dinners and I’m enjoying the growth of my progress and the freedom my practice is providing me by implemented ten key steps of the flight plan. Don’t wait another day!”
If you would like to learn more about the book… and to read our complimentary sample chapter on client selection, please click here. You can also purchase our eBook which is published by the American Institute of CPA’s (AICPA) by clicking here.