Accounting for Time Off

Accounting for Time Off

Your busy-season is my slow season…so I’m just back from a getaway.  My wife and I went to San Juan Puerto Rico and had a fantastic time.  I am not writing this entry to gloat about my vacation while most accountants are toiling away with tax season.  No-I have a few observations to share that hopefully will be helpful to you when you take some time off in the very near future!

One of the places we visited was the rain-forest.  It was a great sight to see.  For one thing, the climate and terrain changes very quickly on the island of Puerto Rico.  From the lookouts in the forest, you could actually see the ocean and beaches in the distance.  The sounds of birds, tree frogs, and waterfalls…along with the sights of the different vegetation and terrain, was quite an experience.

As we were walking toward one of the scenic waterfalls, there was a guy on vacation with his family.  He was actually in the middle of the rainforest on the phone arguing with someone from his office about this or that.  (how is there even cell coverage up there?)  What was obvious to me was that this guy was missing out!  It usually takes me a few days to get used to being on vacation…just getting into the rythm of relaxing and not having commitments.  You could see that this guy on the phone mentally was right back at the office.  Any unwinding he may have accomplished was negated for some time by that one phone call. How do you think his family felt about that?

There is tremendous value in that unwinding and way too many people underestimate it.  Recharging your batteries is good for you, your family, and your business.  Some of the most successful and happiest accounting practice owners that I know take significant time-off.

I am happy to report that I did not check email once nor did I take any calls.  (That’s because I didn’t take my computer or my cell phone!)  Someone from my office could contact my wife’s cell phone if something was really urgent.  Nothing was because after all – it’s tax season.  (ok-maybe now I’m gloating just a little bit.)

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