**Please Note: This practice is no longer taking new Buyer interest due to the current Buyer volume. Check back for future updates on this listing.**
This is a very well-established Canadian virtual bookkeeping/payroll practice (currently non-CPA) with an excellent reputation, enviable team, and ideal client portfolio. The practice focuses on providing remote bookkeeping and payroll services to small business clients. The practice is very well established, having converted from more traditional operations pre-pandemic to full remote operations currently. The practice has an enviable team of highly capable and dedicated staff. The owner has chosen to work very minimally in the practice, one day per week on average, just to provide overall management to the operations and assist with any higher-level questions or work. Staff are provided autonomy in their roles and are motivated to do good work, produce results, and create excellent client experience. The client portfolio has been developed over time to include an ideal mix of client industries. Clients are loyal and appreciate the practice’s value. Operations are based on remote platforms, software, and applications. Workflow is streamlined and efficient.
While the owner has chosen to maintain the practice at its current size, the practice offers many opportunities to a growth-minded Buyer. Referrals and new inquiries are currently turned away. No marketing or business development is currently done; the organic growth alone is more than the owner has wanted. Currently operating as a non-CPA practice, there is substantial development opportunity for a CPA who would be able to layer in additional services to existing and future clients. If you’re looking to own your own turn-key virtual practice, or if you already have a practice and are looking to add bookkeeping/payroll to your service lines, and/or add a strong remote team, and/or add ideal clients, you’ll definitely want to follow up on this opportunity!
Ideal Buyer
There are many ideal Buyer scenarios for this practice. In general however, any Buyer will:
- want to have strong experience in the services currently offered by the practice;
- have sound general business knowledge;
- will be experienced in leading and growing a team, particularly in a remote operation environment;
- will be capable and comfortable in a cloud operation.
Looking to own your own practice? This is a turn-key operation that can readily move you into your own practice. The practice currently operates with very little owner-involvement, providing an excellent opportunity for an experienced individual to purchase and build upon a proven operation.
Looking to add these service lines to your practice? The specific bookkeeping/payroll focus of this practice, along with the experienced and dedicated staff, provide a great opportunity to bring things in-house…into your house. Bookkeeping and payroll small business clients regularly lead to lucrative future service opportunities as they grow their businesses.
Looking to add ideal clients to your portfolio? The client base is long-term and loyal, with a diverse industry mix. Clients pay on time, and are proven supporters of remote service and operation.
Looking for highly capable and dedicated staff? The practice has built and maintained a great team of capable and personable individuals. Team members enjoy their work, and appreciate their responsibilities and abilities to contribute to the success of the practice and the clients. A strong culture of camaraderie and strong work ethics have helped the practice develop and maintain its strong reputation.