About This Practice

Profitable accounting practice for sale in the greater Vancouver Area with low owner hours. The practice has excellent long-term staff and great clients. The work performed primarily consists of NTR’s. There is also an audit, and a handful of reviews. The practice is conveniently located in an upscale office with ample parking.
This practice is perfect for a highly people-oriented accountant with several years of public experience who has the confidence to let his/her team have a great deal of client responsibility. The clients value the current owner’s ability to help them not only with their accounting and tax needs, but also with general business advice. A CPA with great relationship skills would do very well in this practice. There is a lot of opportunity for additional consulting projects as well as general expansion through referrals for an ambitious minded accountant. This is also an excellent practice for someone with a family who wants a profitable business that will allow for a great deal of personal time as well.
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