Category: Transition & Retention
Prepare your accounting firm for sale with advice from previous seller, Clay Blakley – Podcast
Contemplating the sale of your practice or firm? Seasoned entrepreneur, Clay Blakely candidly shares how he grew his CPA practice and why he and his wife decided to sell. Finding...
Mastering CPA firm acquisitions from a 2 time buyer – Podcast with Andrea MacDonald
We were thrilled to have Andrea MacDonald, the founder and CEO of Pro Tax & Accounting LLC, on this episode of Accountant’s Flight Plan Podcast. In addition to her wealth...
Why are Private Equity Firms Acquiring Accounting Practices? What do they see in our industry?
For a deeper dive into private equity CPA M&A check out our new market update report on the topic! Why are private equity firms flocking to acquire accounting firms?...
How to Get Referrals for Clients and Staff in Your Accounting Firm – Podcast with Bill Cates
Do you struggle with leveraging your network to gain new accounting referrals? Looking for new strategies to convert your current clients into referral generators? Bill Cates, expert in acquiring new...
Prepare Your CPA Firm For A Sale- Audiobook
Have you heard? We wrote another book, Prepare Your CPA Firm For A Sale: How to reduce owner hours, increase profitability and transform your practice. This book has actionable practice management...
Hiring a CPA- Podcast with Accountests’ Giles Pearson
Calling all firm owners looking to hire! On this episode of Accountant’s Flight Plan, We interviewed Giles Pearson, former partner of PWC & co-founder of Accountests. Giles shares how Accountests...
Leadership and Practice Management – Podcast with Randy Crabtree
You do not want to miss this episode of Accountant’s Flight Plan! Randy Crabtree, former general tax practice owner, and current specialty tax prep firm owner, discusses the impacts of...
CPA & Accounting Practice Due Diligence
Due Diligence in an accounting practice sale always varies from buyer to buyer, but I’ve talked with buyers who like to start the purchase process something like this: “Hello, my...
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